Moving the furniture around

Moving the furniture

You may have noticed a few design tweaks going on around here, namely how comments are being presented. I’ve tweaked the design of comments and allowed space for including the MyAvatars plugin, so I can see your faces and marvel at how beautiful we designers are. 

In addition I’ve added the AJAX Edit Comments plugin which is in response to feedback from Vivien of Inspiration Bit. I’ve always held back from installing this plugin as I’ve heard it can be a bit of a resource hog. Let me know what you think or if you’ve noticed any performance issues.

I’ve got a few more tweaks in mind which I’ll look into over the coming days and weeks. I’d still love more feedback though, from regular readers and first timers alike, so please head over to my previous post and tell me how I can improve my blog.

Many thanks for the recent comments: Emalyse, Randa and Vivien.