How to add custom sites to I Love Social Bookmarking
admin | March 15, 2008
On a recent comment on the I Love Social Bookmarking plugin page, I was asked by shegs of GamersBeyond how to add a custom site to ILSB. Well, as luck would have it, it’s actually really easy so I will walk through the stages here……
Read moreTrials and tribulations of using WordPress to display code syntax
admin | September 6, 2007
Have you ever tried to display HTML, PHP or JavaScript code as part of a WordPress article? It’s not fun is it? Yet there are a few steps we can take to make code render exactly how we want it to……
Read moreMoving the furniture around
admin | August 5, 2007
You may have noticed a few design tweaks going on around here, namely how comments are being presented. I’ve tweaked the design of comments and allowed space for including the MyAvatars plugin, so I can see your faces and marvel at how…..
Read moreConceptual iPod with roll-out screen
admin | February 10, 2007
I’ve just installed the very impressive FLV Embed plugin, for embedding, you guessed it, FLV movies. Which are Flash movies, in case you were wondering. To show off the plugin I am posting a video of a conceptual iPod I designed using Autodesk…..
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