Nipperz with attitude: DJ Sara and DJ Ryusei

admin | September 21, 2007

I may be away from home and away from the blogoshere for a week, but that doesn’t stop me using the power of WordPress’ forward-publishing capabilities to serve up something for the weekend. As many of you know, I used to…..

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Guest blogging: if it’s good for you it’s good for me

admin | September 15, 2007

Guest blogging has become quite a common trend these days. Many bloggers are taking advantage of guest writers, and it seems a mutually beneficial process. The host gets to put their feet up for the day and get a nice…..

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Give me your full length!

admin | September 12, 2007

As I’m sure the infamous Swiss Toni would agree, writing a blog is like making love to a beautiful woman. First you must seduce her with a sexy headline. Once you have her attention you should start at the top, whispering irresistible…..

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Trials and tribulations of using WordPress to display code syntax

admin | September 6, 2007

Have you ever tried to display HTML, PHP or JavaScript code as part of a WordPress article? It’s not fun is it? Yet there are a few steps we can take to make code render exactly how we want it to……

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Be ‘digged’ and die happy

admin | September 4, 2007

You may have noticed a new funky little ‘Share the love’ icon appear at the bottom of every article over the last few days. Go on, hover the mouse over it and see what happens. I’ve got absolutely no evidence…..

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Do you want to win $4,000 worth of stuff?

admin | September 1, 2007

After a brief respite from blogging, today I return to my blogging action stations (my cheap desk from Office World) to report on how you could get a chunk of David Airey’s amazing $4,000 anniversary blog giveaway. Despite the fact David is…..

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