I’ve been wanting to ask you, my readers, for some honest feedback for a while now. I decided to wait until today as it’s the site’s six-month birthday, and I figured you might go easy on me…
Actually I don’t want you to go easy on me – I want you to be honest and let me know what you truthfully think of miLienzo.com. Yesterday I revealed that the site had grown over the last three months, but not as fast as I’d like.
Today I want you to help me improve the site. You’re the one that’s reading it now, and I appreciate that, so I want the site to serve your wishes.
What do I want from this site?
First I think it’s important you understand why I blog. I have absolutely no desire to monetize this blog. Not only do I think ‘monetize’ is the ugliest word I’ve ever had the displeasure to read or hear, I also earn my bread through other more effective channels.
Whilst I want to see the site grow and increase in popularity, this should not be seen in terms of pounds and pence, but rather it should be seen in terms of the following super goals:
- To make connections and engage with fellow designers and creatives.
- To learn from others and share with others what I have learnt.
- To raise my profile and promote my personal brand.
Tell me what you think
Whether you are a regular subscriber or a first-time stumbler, I really value what you think of this site. I don’t want to direct the conversation, but to help you along you might like to think about the following pointers:
- First impressions – What is your gut feeling when you first click on to this site?
- Focus – Is it clear what this blog stands for and what I blog about?
- Design – Go to town on me fellow designers, how can I improve?
- Articles – What kind of topics and articles do you like? Which don’t you like?
- Balance – Would you prefer more informative articles or more personal posts?
- Writing style – Do I go on a bit? Or is there not enough detail?
- Anything else?
I’d love to hear why you visit my blog? What am I getting right? And what am I doing wrong? How can I make miLienzo.com better?
Be honest and frank, but please try to be courteous and constructive too… I’m quite a sensitive wee chappy.
I thank you in advance for your contributions.