Children, artists and big scary monsters

Anyone who has a son or daughter or niece or nephew, probably has a fridge covered with very, erm, imaginative drawings. I wonder what the result would be if those imaginations were combined with the skills of a talented artist?

Dave Devrie strives to answer that question on his website, The Monster Engine. However, there is more to Dave’s work than simply satisfying curiosity.

Dave gives workshops in schools to help children express their fears and anxieties through drawing monsters. Dave’s sessions help children who may be going through divorce or having other troubles to tell their stories through the power of art, and ultimately help control their demons.

Here’s a few examples of Dave’s work:

Big Mouth monster

I think these are fantastic, and what’s more they offer a fascinating glimpse at the power of a child’s imagination and creativity. Next time you’re struggling with ideas for that new logo design, why not go grab your daughter or nephew to help throw a few ideas around?

Head over to Dave’s website for more examples of his work. Much credit to Marc Rapp for pointing me in the direction of this one.