January and February? I can’t believe they’re gone already. I was out of the country for a week towards the end of February and consequently failed to pick up on a great graphic design competition being run by Jacob Cass of Just Creative Design, and therefore missed out on a chance to win some freebies.
Jacob has rounded up $5,000 of various goodies to give away, all in return for writing an article of some sort on the subject of graphic design. I would have spread the word about this giveaway a lot earlier had it not been for the fact I only found out about it myself a couple of days ago.
Oh well, the competition ended last night and there are a wealth of juicy-looking entries in. Articles that I’ve found particularly eye-catching and have bookmarked for later reading include:
- Are You Neglecting Good Looks in Favor of Great Content? (Men with Pens)
- Creative design by committee is OK – but who wants OK? (Jason Slater)
- All about Paul Rand (Logo Design Love)
Head over to Just Creative Design to see a comprehensive list of all the entries as this competition has produced a wealth of useful information and if the few I’ve highlighted above don’t float your boat, I’m sure there’s something in there that will.
My hat goes off to Jacob for organising this competition/group writing project and also all the entrants for sharing their thoughts and ideas. Great stuff!