A retired DJ’s month of music: House

DJ's headphones

Friday is here and the weekend has landed… so why not listen to some House music?

I’ve revealed here before that I’m a retired DJ. I hung up my headphones in the professional sense just over two years ago, and since moving house early last year I have not even touched the wheels of steel for fun.

Paul Enderson recently asked to hear some of my old mixes so I spent a few hours this week just listening to some of my old music and it has really got me in the mood. I’ve decided to make a mini-series of this and post a different mix every Friday throughout July.

My tastes in music are quite diverse and eclectic, but what I loved playing out more than anything else is House music. House music really is a DJ’s music.

This first mix is a CD I recorded back in December 2004 for a Worldwide DJcompetition (by worldwide, they meant Swindon, Bristol and the South West). The mix got me into the final of the competition, but alas I didn’t win it.

I would describe this mix as deep’n’jazzy, sexy’n’funky, ass-jackin’ House! Which is a genre of music I invented  . If you think you don’t like House, please listen to this mix because I defy you not to be wiggling your ass around in your chair after five minutes.

The mix is about 60 minutes long. Enjoy!

Download the MP3 of this mix.

Lookout next week for something completely different.