How to add custom sites to I Love Social Bookmarking
admin | March 15, 2008
On a recent comment on the I Love Social Bookmarking plugin page, I was asked by shegs of GamersBeyond how to add a custom site to ILSB. Well, as luck would have it, it’s actually really easy so I will walk through the stages here……
Read moreLoopPress: New WordPress showcase site launched
admin | November 11, 2007
It is my duty to make a quick mention for a new WordPress showcase site that was launched last week. LoopPress is the brainchild of Jim Keiffer and has been launched to showcase beautiful WordPress designs. From LoopPress:If you’re like me, you…..
Read moreTrials and tribulations of using WordPress to display code syntax
admin | September 6, 2007
Have you ever tried to display HTML, PHP or JavaScript code as part of a WordPress article? It’s not fun is it? Yet there are a few steps we can take to make code render exactly how we want it to……
Read moreCategorising your blog
admin | June 28, 2007
Since I began writing this blog, I have never really used categories to define what I write. Instead, I prefer to use tags to more loosely associate a number of definitions to everything I write. However, it struck me that…..
Read moreA new look, a new beginning
admin | March 19, 2007
After the shock and horror of discovering my site didn’t work with Internet Explorer, a weekend of furious coding later, has a new look and feel to it. If you are reading this page you are looking at the new design now……
Read moreWordPress, duplicate content and the power of Google
admin | March 14, 2007
I don’t claim to be an expert with search engine optimisation (SEO). I’m very interested in the design and aesthetics of the Web and new media, but not really very interested in the fiddly geeky works of SEO. So it…..
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